SMA Sunny View
Stylish Visualization for the Home
With Sunny View, you have an overview of all of your plant data – even live and in color: Plant operators can use the large, easy-to-read five-inch color touchscreen to display all key PV data at home, as well as to receive news, meteorological data, and posts from social networks via WLAN.
through freely configurable slideshow
Change is the constant: By request, Sunny View displays all relevant information in a freely configurable slideshow. Besides installation power values, current meteorological data or information on CO2 avoidance are displayed.
through intuitive operation
A touching overview: Operation is intuitive via the large easy-to-read five-inch color touchscreen. That means that both slideshow configuration and retrieving desired data is possible with just a few clicks. The self-explanatory navigation and clear presentation leave no questions unanswered.
through fully automatic monitoring
Sunny View does not just look good, it's also sitting pretty when security is required. It can communicate via Bluetooth with up to 12 inverters and can send a visual and acoustic warning signal in the event of a failure. Furthermore, data archiving and backup take place via microSD card.
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